Monday, May 23, 2011

Rite Aid has another fund raiser....bowling!

Rite Aid did a fantastic job at their first annual bowling fund raiser. They had about 80 people come out and bowl on a Sunday evening. It was so much fun that next year I bet next year they will have even more! I am not sure if this is a coincidence or not, but Rite Aid held their fund raiser at the same place that Evan has been bowling at weekly on a league for 4 years now!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Rite Aid Sponsor

Today Evan dropped in at our local Rite Aid. They were having a BBQ to help raise money for Children's Miracle Network and Hasbro Children's Hospital. They are planning many more events during this upcoming year, that we plan on attending. I will keep you posted so that if you want you can join us!

Julie and Evan

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Our Launch Event

Our Launch Event was a huge success! It started off with his very own police escort to Walmart to see that there was a huge crowd waiting for MY champion! We went into Walmart where most of the associates were clapping and cheering him on. His Neurosurgeon was there waiting for him as well as his principal, school nurse, TA and his former special educator. As well as most of his family members. Evan was then presented with a gift card so he can go on a shopping spree! He headed straight to electronics and bought himself a camera for our up coming trip to Washington DC and Florida!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Launch Event

Please join us in the Children's Miracle Network Launch event. It is located at Warwick Mall Walmart at 10 am on May 12th. If you can not make it to this event, please try to remember to buy a "balloon" the next time you are there. These donations go to our own Children's Miracle Network hospital, Hasbro Children's Hospital.
If you know Evan, then you know how they have been so instrumental in keeping him healthy.
Thanks in advance!